
Outpost map the hunter call of the wild
Outpost map the hunter call of the wild

outpost map the hunter call of the wild

  • Animals teleporting around while drinking.
  • Flying birds fall into a ragdoll state when wounded (but not killed) in the air, and may despawn if they aren’t slain after they hit the ground.
  • outpost map the hunter call of the wild

  • Linxes can run in circles while in a calm state.
  • Under game Settings, the default settings shown for reflex sight are incorrect.
  • The high-powered scopes are “wobbly” (jittery crosshairs) when holding breath and aiming.
  • Revolvers do not rechamber when firing from the hip.
  • It is possible to run “into” the lake in Rotonui in TAR.
  • 22LR truncated cone bullet is underpowered
  • SRP Bighorn Sheep Outpost - Players spawning in the underground when fast travel.
  • Hudzik Muzzleloader both ammo types have the same zeroing.
  • Switching ammo type once will synchronize the sight and the ammo
  • When the drilling rifle is first equipped, the rifle ammo is active, but the shotgun iron sight is also active.
  • The Strecker 20G is zeroed incorrectly.
  • = Issues reported after the latest update.
  • = Reported and under investigation/unable to reproduce.
  • ❗ If you're experiencing an issue, even if it is listed on this page, please send us a Support request! The more information we have, the better.
  • PlayStation/Xbox HOTFIX: Frequent crashes on consoles, especially prevalent on MAPR.
  • Click here to read the list of resolved issues that accompanied this latest release.

    outpost map the hunter call of the wild

    Modern Rifle Pack DLC: Simultaneous launch across all platforms.Revontuli Coast DLC: Simultaneous launch across all platforms.

    Outpost map the hunter call of the wild